Monday, November 01, 2004

Charlie Cartman

Charlie Cartman
MY SON AND I share an affection for the round-headed little boy, Eric Cartman, on South Park so much so that I now have a new Cartman charm. I think Cartman is the amped up version of Charlie Brown of Peanuts fame. They both have round heads and do dumb things although I think Cartman is more savvy and edgy and would take pleasure in tormenting Charlie Brown. I had a hairstylist who went to great lengths describing why my facial geometry called for a certain type of haircut. She lifted her right hand in the air and drew a perfectly round circle and then said: "You see, Catnip, you have a round face and so we need to do this, blah, blah, blah
milf." After that diss, I switched to a gay brother and you what? He never draws air pictures or any of that. He talks about his life, cuts my hair, and is a genius at making my round head look muy bueno. I say that all the Charlie Brown Cartmans of the world need to unite and give all the other non-round heads the finger. Maybe, we should also draw an air picture to go with it.


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